Fair Way Kōrero - June 2023

ACC Services - Reviews and Conciliation - June 2023 Korero

June 2023

Ka pipiri ngā mea katoa i te whenua i te mātao, me te tangata

It's been a busy few months for the Fair Way ACC Services team. A particular highlight was our long-awaited Team Hui held over 2 days in March. Read on to hear how it went from team members Frances and Barb. The time spent together was invaluable not just for relationship building, but also for exploring how we can consistently create the best customer experience. 

One focus area we are working on at present is how we communicate and share information with our customers. The Review process can be daunting for many people, so it's important for us to try alleviate any concerns by providing the key information in a friendly and succinct manner.

Keep your eyes peeled later this month for the launch of our updated www.fairwayresolution.com website. It has a new look and feel, simple layout and fresh content. You’ll be able to find all the information you need about our ACC services, with dedicated sections for both our review and conciliation pathways. Watch this space!

A key part of the review process is making a submission to support your review application. This is an opportunity to share your perspective and add details to support your review application. To help make this easier, Fair Way has an online submission builder tool that guides you through the process of preparing a submission. We have versions available for claimants, employers and ACC representatives. If you haven’t already used the submission builder, we recommend trying it out. We are also keen to hear your feedback, if you have comments, please get in touch.

We hope that you enjoy reading our Kōrero and please reach out to us with any feedback or suggestions for the next editions.

Ngā mihi

Blair and Gess

Operations Managers - ACC Services

Team hui

Written by Frances Linde and Barb Court

Tāmaki Makaurau turned on the sunshine for the long-awaited Fair Way ACC team hui in March. Staff from all over the country met in the Auckland office, to spend some quality time together, have some robust discussions, and learn a bit more about what motivates us. This was the first time we had all been together as a team since 2011. For many, it was the first time we had met each other face-to-face!

Our very first activity, which entailed each of us getting to know one another better, revealed what a diverse group of people we have in our team and what we can offer to our customer experience. It became clear that although we are all different, we have common interests with at least one of our team members, which made us feel connected.

We were privileged to have Emma Barker and Stephen Hooper from Fair Way’s Commercial team take us through some trust exercises. Stephen’s pack of ‘Trust Cards’ soon made it clear that trust can mean different things to different people. By the end of this session, we all had a better understanding of what type of person we each were and how this could improve our interactions with parties involved in ACC reviews.

Fair Way’s Head of Practice, Samantha de Coning, held a discussion on practice strategy and service. Building on our special time with the Tūhono Collective in 2022, we discussed how Fair Way’s commitment to cultural capability can continue to be woven into our day to day practice.

Later in the day, while the sun was still shining, we had the opportunity to practice our newly enhanced communication skills and utilise the diversity of thought processes within the group, with Escape Masters. Staff embarked on a hunt for “the lost bag” that saw us exploring the crevices of Auckland CBD. Some of us didn’t take the warning email seriously enough when we were told to get our “walking shoes on”. 10,000 steps later, having searched from Albert Park to KZ1 and back again, no one had found said bag, although teambuilding was the winner on the day.

Day two focused on customer experience and explored what we are doing well and where we can improve so our customers are feeling satisfied with the service they experience. We delved into feedback received through our customer service surveys, which has resulted in steps being taken to improve our written communications.

It’s safe to say we all took something away from our time together as a team (over and above the blisters and body aches). The team came away feeling invigorated and connected with a commitment to demonstrating a broadened appreciation of diversity. Bring on the next hui!

Meet the team

Karen Killerby - Resolution Coordinator

My name is Karen Killerby and I have been working in Fair Way for nearly 5 years.

I was attracted to Fair Way because it gave me the opportunity to become a Resolution Coordinator and gain skills in the ACC field. Working closer to the railway station was also a bonus.  

As a Resolution Coordinator, I provide case management support for the review. This includes liaising with the parties, phoning applicants, scheduling case conferences, hearings, conciliations and monitoring emails and doing all the administrative tasks for the reviewer. It also includes taking phones calls on our 0800 line.   

The part that I find really rewarding is when I have been able to help a client, who is going through a difficult situation, to understand the review process and what each step entails. I value being part of a supportive team, and that I can go on a holiday and know that my work will be covered.  

The biggest challenge for me in this role is navigating difficult conversations. Trying to assist a caller who is upset, angry, and sometimes threatening self-harm, can be very difficult. I have learnt it is important to listen and let the caller speak, and then when they have calmed down to try and assist them to understand the process, de-escalating things where possible. It is good to have a supportive team when calls do not end well.   

If I asked my colleagues how they would describe me I’m sure they would say that I’m a chatterbox. But seriously, I think they would describe me as being caring, compassionate and enthusiastic about my work and helping others.   

In my spare time I enjoy swimming, walking with friends (talking), gardening, home renovations, going to the movies, cooking, and connecting with neighbours, family, and friends. I enjoy organising movie nights, shared meals, and high teas and offering hospitality to people.   

Case study

Conciliation for permanent injury compensation

Here is an example of a recent case related to Permanent Injury Compensation where conciliation was suggested during the review process to help reach a resolution.

The situation

The Applicant applied to ACC for permanent injury compensation. He was subsequently assessed as having a final whole person impairment rating of 22%. ACC issued a decision to pay a lump sum to the Applicant based on that impairment rating. The Applicant lodged a review of the decision because he was dissatisfied with the rating and believed it to be higher.

How we helped

At the case conference, it became apparent the Applicant was not only dissatisfied with the impairment assessment but had wider concerns about the accuracy of his medical records and the scope of his covered injuries. These issues fell outside the scope of the review. Therefore, the reviewer encouraged the parties to attend a conciliation meeting to explore ways of resolving the dispute.

The conciliation meeting

At the conciliation meeting, the parties were able to discuss the Applicant’s concerns. The parties agreed the Applicant would prepare a statement of corrections to address some of the inaccuracies he believed were contained in the reports on his file. ACC agreed to provide a copy of that statement to the assessor who had completed the impairment assessment, to see if she had any further comments or wanted to amend her report. ACC also agreed to assist the Applicant in approaching his GP about lodging a claim for cover for his pain condition.

The Applicant decided to continue with his review application, but in the knowledge that the assessor would consider his concerns. Once his GP lodged the new claim, ACC would also investigate and determine whether he should have cover for a pain condition, allowing him to potentially access further entitlements.

Newsletter feedback

Let us know what your think

If you would like to provide some feedback or suggest topics of interest for future editions of the newsletter, please email Blair (blair.wadams@fairwayresolution.com) or Gess (genessa.tabak@fairwayresolution.com)  – we welcome your contributions.