Anita Killeen - Fair Way

Anita Killeen

LLB, AAMINZ, AMINZ Commercial Mediation List, AMINZ Family Dispute Resolution List

Resolution Practitioner
  • ACC,
    Building and construction,
    Commercial rent and lease,
    Community and neighbours,
    Finance, insurance, real estate,
    Land acquisition resolution service,
    Organisations and workplaces,
    Phone and internet,
    Relationship property,
    Trusts, wills, estates
  • Nationwide | Aotearoa,
    Auckland | Tāmaki Makaurau

Anita Killeen is a Barrister, Independent Director, and Commercial Mediator based at Quay Chambers in Auckland with over 25 years’ legal experience and 13 years’ governance experience.

Anita has specialist expertise in financial crime and fraud, commercial and criminal litigation, compliance and regulation, and governance and decision-making. She is an experienced governance professional and qualified lawyer who offers directorship, ministerial review, and tribunal experience, together with strong legal, advocacy, financial and analytical skills capability.

In addition to her legal and governance experience, Anita has had over 13 years' mediation experience. Anita first trained in mediation at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2010, and has engaged in further mediation training in New Zealand through AMINZ (Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Inc) and the Resolution Institute. She is an accredited mediator and an Associate Member of AMINZ. She is a member of the AMINZ Panel of Mediators and the AMINZ Panel of Family Law Mediators.

She is the former Chief Prosecutor of the Serious Fraud Office and has particular expertise in resolving financial and commercial disputes and also has experience in mediating ACC, medico-legal, employment, property, land acquisition, engineering, trusts and estates, family and relationship property, fire and emergency, insurance and rent disputes. In addition to private mediation work, Anita serves on a variety of mediation panels for the following organisations; AMINZ, Waka Kotahi's Land Acquisition Resolution Panel, the Independent Complaints Review Authority, the Commission for Financial Capability, Financial Services Complaints Ltd, FairWay Resolution Ltd and Netsafe.