Liz Cole - Fair Way

Liz Cole

Child Specialist
  • Family
  • Nationwide | Aotearoa,
    Auckland | Tāmaki Makaurau

Liz Cole is a Child Specialist working in Fair Way's Family Dispute Resolution team. 

Liz is based in our Auckland office. Her most recent roles have been in clinical leadership in the family violence space. In this mahi Liz has worked with adults, youth and children. She has supervised clinical practice, specialised in overseeing children and youth services, and facilitated psycho-educational programmes. She also provides external supervision. Liz has served as a Care and Protection Resource Panel Member with Oranga Tamariki.

She has had various roles throughout her vast 25 years’ experience including as a trainer and clinical manager and family therapist and children’s play therapist, following tertiary qualifications in education. Liz has also completed the Mediation Skills Intensive course through AMINZ.