Our people

We have a passionate and dedicated team of people who make difference in the lives of people in conflict each day.

Use the filters below to find a selection of our people.
  • Kara Duncan-Hewitt - Fair Way
    Kara Duncan-Hewitt
    Child Specialist
  • Liz Cole - Fair Way
    Liz Cole
    Child Specialist
  • User Image
    Rebecca Smith
    Resolution Practitioner
  • Solveig Bratland - Fair Way.
    Solveig Bratland
    Resolution Facilitator
  • Suzanne Alliston - Fair Way
    Suzanne Alliston
    Child Specialist
  • Tanya Cosgrove - Fair Way
    Tanya Cosgrove
    Resolution Facilitator
  • User Image
    Adele Dubarry
    Resolution Practitioner
  • Alice Porter - Fair Way
    Alice Porter
    Resolution Practitioner
  • Amanda Fitzgibbon - Fair Way
    Amanda Fitzgibbon
    Voice of Child Specialist
  • Amanda Munting-Kilworth - Fair Way
    Amanda Munting-Kilworth
    Resolution Practitioner
  • Amy Oberkircher - Fair Way
    Amy Oberkircher
    Resolution Practitioner
  • Andrew Freeman
    Andrew Freeman
    Resolution Practitioner